Monday, August 11, 2008


I feel so bad.
Yeah- so bad.

I just felt like I cant keep my mouth shut-
and many stupid words come out--

Better my mouth to be shut and talk necessarily--

Sometimes some stuff are like butterflies.
When you stay still, they will come to you.
And when you keep moving and disturbance, they are moving far far away from you.

Role model?
Actors or whatever.
My bro said, people always envy everybody and I replied that it is like a chain.
Sometimes I felt so bad to envy people. but yeah-- i really envy them.
Why do they have such a good appearance?
Or why are they so talented etc..?
Things are never be enough..
Like a local movie that I just watched-
we wont feel poor when we havent felt poorer than poor.

For my bro,
I hope- i dunno- what do you think about me?
But I will try my best to take care of you-

KohaR- friends are just fiends with an 'r'


Eko Pinanding said...

koko, thx ya bwt smuanya..
w sng bgt krn w nga prnh bs ngerasain pny abang yg baek amat..

sori kalo w ngerepotin mulu..
klo koko bth apa2, blg aja, w coba bantu.. ^^

n kata2 koko tu nga da yg slh toh..
nga da yg talk so much... smuanya berguna amet.

Kohar said...


hahas :) thanks.
have nice days!