Friday, August 14, 2009

Listening to a series of melody
which gives a sense of harmony
Behind the curtain was a number of souls,
and I know some of these souls
- behind those faces lie wonderful souls

Once or twice, I oversimplify
And I start to classify
- stereotype, that's how you call it
Today they have proved it:
that I am totally wrong about it

Then the intermission has ended
Everything has to be resumed
What I want is to restart
A whole new chart
from my ex-wicked heart

I saw them performing
but Im not sure if they saw me watching
All of these are just self-initiative;
Some are responsive, appreciative
The rest are just indifferent.

Post activity is at the opposite road
Merging the unusual roads
- this seldom happens
Sitting with some cliche so-called friends:
never know that might be your true friends

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